Friday, October 16, 2015



Prompt of the day:

Have you ever experienced loss? This could mean a loss of a loved one, an object, a love or other figurative experience? Talk about a time you lost something, or perhaps about a time when you were lost. Describe the experience. How did it shape/change you and what are the lessons you learned from it? 

Share Out: Today, we are going to do writing protocol with our classmates. Those of you who did this in English class may take the lead to show the rest of the group how it's done. 


1. Establish an order for feedback (who will go first, second, etc).
2. Before the work is read, ask the author if s/he would like the group to pay attention to anything in particular; for example: is it confusing?  is there too much descriptive detail or too little?
3. Listen while the piece is read through once.  Don’t stop for questions or comments.  Don’t take notes.  Just listen.
4. Take turns giving positive feedback.  Begin with, “I liked…”
5. Move to questions:  “One thing I was confused about…” or “One thing I wasn’t sure about…”
6. If the author asks for suggestions, allow them.  They should be prefaced with “One thing you might want to consider as you revise is…”

7. The writer may ask to have the piece read again, stopping for questions and comments as you go.


Go into NewsELA and search for the text set "America's Expanding Waistline."

Choose at least THREE articles to read. Write a full summary of one article and submit it to me on google classroom! Credit will ONLY be given to articles submitted on classroom so please make sure you know how to do that!

Exit: Call Outs and Shout Outs

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13/15 - 10/15/15

10/13/2015 - 10/14/15

1. What do you think is your greatest quality as the member of a team? What is your biggest challenge? Explain.

Share Out

Today, we are going to engage in some activities that will help us to work together and create a community through team work.

Names: Everyone should be on the same page as far as names. We should all know each other at this point on a first name basis. Let's try to focus by playing the name game!

Support: Many times in school, we feel like we are all alone. This class should show you that there are a number of people who share experiences, both good and bad. Let's play "cross the line." 

Share Out: What did we notice about this activity?

Finally, our class is an elective which means we all ELECTED to be here and while we have a lot of work to do, we should also be able to be silly with one another. Let's play "Baby I Love You"

Closing: On a piece of paper, answer the following: What will you do from now on to help our class to feel like more of a family or community? How will this action help us to achieve this goal? Please hand these in. 


Do Now: Copy down the quote of the day in your notebook. I will be coming around to do a notebook check. 

Warm Up: Open up your chromes and go to your email account. Each of you will be drafting a letter to your advisor/teacher regarding the photography schedule. In it, you must respectfully ask for permission to take pictures during their class or sport for two days. The following must be included: 
1. Which days you would like to take pictures
2. Why you are taking pictures.
3. How you will avoid being a disruption in class.
4. What will happen to the pictures that you take in class.

You must CC Ms. Mueller on this email to get credit. If you are taking pictures of student life, you will send your email directly to Ms. Mueller to send to Ms. Dean.

Next, we will create a photography schedule for the rest of the year. Our Head Photographer will use a calendar in order to plan for every class and school event between now and the end of the year. Every student must sign up for at least one event OR, if you do not like taking pictures, you must register for an organization day with Jake.

Share Out: We will look at more examples of student photography before closing. 

Exit: Call Outs and Shout Outs!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015



Do Now: 30 minutes creative writing/art session for literary magazine! 

Photography 101 Continued! 

Introduction to Photo Assignment #1 

Photo Assignment One
Your task here is to shoot and edit at least three superb photos that would be suitable for three different yearbook features you’re assigned to.   This will be useful when you create the pages, and fun, but remember that we’re looking for extremely good photos here, so spend some time to do your best.  If you need help, ask, but make sure you’re been listening in class and are aware of the help available on our website.
  • Take at least 15 photos of people – pick 3
  • Relevant to sections of the yearbook you’re assigned to (one can just be a general “Student Life” even if you’re not part of that section).  If you can’t shoot pictures for one or more of your pages because they won’t happen until later in the year, you can “pretend” you’re in another section.  You can also stretch things a bit, such as a shot from a PhysEd class for sports.
  • Interesting subject involved in some activity, showing strong expression
  • At least one candid and one posed
  • Well composed – see “Photo tips” and look at lots of examples from other yearbooks, Look-books etc.
  • Lighting must be perfect – well-thought out and purposeful
  • one indoors with a flash and one indoors with no flash     *ask someone to show you how to alter the flash if you’re not sure.
Each student must email their photo to Jake for review and saving. 

NEW : Filenames
Please change the filenames to reflect the criteria that you’re trying to cover with them. 
Example:  The picture below might have been for “student life” (all of you can shoot one picture from this category).  It’s candid, indoors, no flash, so I’d name it like this:
Be sure not to change the .jpg extension!
Another random example might be   GRADS_fillflash_posed.jpg
The photos must be in place by Friday, 10/16 by the end of the period.

Yes, you can borrow a camera if you need to.  Any of our digital cameras can take great photos.  But it’s easier if you bring your own camera to school.

1.    Copy your three (3) chosen photos into a MS Word File.
2.    Write a reflection on the three photos.  Be sure to include:
a.    Setting used on your camera (be sure to use three different settings)
b.    Explain how you thoughtfully composed your photo
c.    Explain how you chose your lighting/the flash.
d.    Use terminology from the Photography tips and handouts.

This isn’t technically or artistically perfect, but it is good because:
  • It’s intense – look at the concentration of the player
  • The other students are also showing emotion and concentration
  • They’re ignoring the camera (well okay, one guy is looking at it, but the rest are candid…)
  • The lighting is good – not perfect, but not bad for indoors without a flash, into a strong backlight
  • The two most important faces are close to rule of thirds positions
  • There’s an appealing amount of colour
  • There’s enough contrast to be vivid
  • It’s a common student activity
  • It’s well-focused – most details are sharp, although one head is motion blurred

Example of a Suitable Photo
Description: gtr hero larger

Marking Scheme

Application Criteria:
Level 4
14-15 mrks
Level 3
11-13 mrks
Level 2
10-12 mrks
Level 1
7-9 mrks

Below Level 1
·       Used the principles, tips and knowledge about photography to take the photographs

Used all principles, applied all knowledge
Used most principles, applied most knowledge
Used some principles, applied some knowledge
Used limited number of principles, applied limited knowledge
Did not complete
Knowledge/Understanding Criteria:

·       Correct use of terminology when explaining photos.

Used all terminology correctly
Used most terminology correctly
Used some terminology correctly
Used limited terminology correctly
Did not complete
·       3 photos – at least one candid and one posed, at least one with flash, one without, indoor photos

Followed all criteria
Followed most criteria
Followed some criteria
Followed limited criteria
Did not complete
·       Followed instructions of the assignment

Followed all instructions
Followed most instructions
Followed some instructions
Followed few instructions
Did not complete

Answer any questions about photography assignment. Hand out photography passes to students and arrange a schedule for using them. 


REVIEW RULES OF in-school photography. 



Photography 101!!!

Do Now: Copy the quote of the day and open up to a fresh page in your notebook. We are going to watch a powerpoint about photography. Please take short or long hand notes in your notebook or on Cornell notes for the AVIDers!!!

  Watch and take notes on Basic Photography 




Use the basics of photography and tips that you have learned.  Practice makes perfect!