Happy Friday!!!
As always, we will start with creative writing session for the literary magazine. You may use a computer but only for writing and drafting purposes!
Prompts for Today's Writing Session:
1. October begins this week. Pick a memory,
moment, image, object, or idea that holds the
essence of the month in your mind. Explore
this entity from multiple angles: the visual,
literal, historical, and metaphorical. Perhaps
it is rooted in nature or childhood, in a color
or flavor. Examine your associations with the
month and how your perceptions have
changed over the years.
Recent wildfires in California and an earthquake and tsunami in Chile are potent reminders
of how destructive forces of nature can be upon modern civilization. Out of catastrophe,
however, we see acts of bravery, generosity, and compassion. Write a short story that
takes place in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Examine the ways in which your main
character's psychological and physical strength might be tested under the circumstances.
Share out in Table Groups! Share out: As little as a line, as much as you like.
Reminder: I will collect writing samples next Friday!!!
Group Activity: Focus: Journalism!
Together, we will sign up for NEWS ELA and begin a writing assignment.
The code for our class is:
Go to our class page and begin working on today's assignment. I will come around and help you if you have questions.
Share out and EXIT!
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