Wednesday, September 2, 2015




Objectives: How can we familiarize ourselves with the rules and regulations of the yearbook classroom?

Do Now: Create a name tag with the piece of white paper in front of you. Use your full name.

In a notebook or piece of scrap paper, answer the following:

1. How would the person you are closest to describe you? 
2. What would you most like to be remembered for?
3. What special skills, talents or abilities do you have?

Share out in table groups. 

Things to practice: 

1. TRACK :when your teacher says TRACK, it

 means everyone needs to be looking at the 

speaker and to remind yourself to shift your 

body to face the speaker as well. All eyes need 

to be on the person who is speaking at all 


2. VOICE: when your teacher says VOICE, it 

means you need to shift your voice to meet 

the classroom expectations. You want to 

speak loud enough and clear enough for 

every person to hear you.

3. SENTENCE: when your teachers says 

Sentence, it means make a complete sentence 

out of your thoughts. No, because... Yes, 

because.. I agree because... I disagree 


4. NO OPT OUT: We are all here to learn, to 

hear each other and to be heard. If I say the phrase, "no opt out" it means that we do not accept "I don't know" or "I don't care" as an answer in this class. I can help you. Your classmates can help you, but we must strive for excellence if we are going to find success this year and in college. If you see me allowing someone in this class to "opt out," please speak to me privately and bring it to my attention. We are in this together.

Table Group Activity

I will pass out yearbooks from the past. Look through them with your table group. What do you notice about them? On a piece of paper, create a list with your group:

Things we like: 
Things we don't like: 
Things we think are funny:

Whole Group Share Out:

Exit: Shout Outs and Call Outs

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